Somatic and Embodiment Coaching
“Soma” is the Greek word for “body”. The term “Somatics” was coined in the 1970’s by Tomas Hanna, a philosophy professor and movement theorist.
In somatic coaching, the body is seen as a key resource for learning, change, and healing - not only a vessel for the mind. The body holds a myriad of intelligence just waiting for us to learn how to listen.
My role as a somatic practitioner is to guide you to trust your own intuition and to help you get in touch with the deep inner knowing of your body.
My Philosophy​
We will begin with the basis that you are already whole. Your life journey is unique and everything you think needs ‘fixing’ is actually a pathway into deeper connection with yourself.
I believe that safety is the key. When we feel safe in our bodies, we are able to hold space for whatever inner experience may arise.
Shame is the magic killer. We often block our instinctual processing of emotions through our bodies by shaming our experience, saying things like “I shouldn’t be feeling this way”, “I’ve done so much work on myself why is this coming up again”,and “What’s wrong with me”.
Feeling is our birthright, not a sign of weakness. We are meant to feel the full spectrum of emotions and sensations as the river of life flows through us. Through coming into relationship with the body we are able to widen the banks of the river to hold all the currents and surges that life will inevitably bring.
There is no rush to become the most embodied and “best” version of yourself. For change to be real and sustainable it must happen drop by drop. Too much, too fast, may reinforce patterns of protection and fragmentation.

What happens in
a session?
Our sessions will be a blend of education, support, and hands-on practice.
Lasting change happens when we embody what we learn. Just like fertile soil nurtures growth, our psyche needs space for transformation. We create that space by removing shame and judgment, cultivating a loving, present environment.
Each session will include:
Education on somatics, embodiment, and the nervous system, giving you a deeper understanding of your body.
Somatic practices to embody the theory and feel what’s alive within you.
Trauma-informed support to guide you on your journey back to yourself.

A Three Month Journey
The 3-month container is a commitment to your personal transformation, offering you the space to dive deep into this work and begin to see meaningful results.
With this plan, you’ll receive weekly 1:1 trauma-informed sessions, learn somatic techniques, and receive personalised support through your unique experiences.
I’m not here to push you towards external goals. I’m here to meet you in your wholeness, just as you are, helping you release judgment and connect with a loving inner presence, creating fertile ground for positive change.
This is for you if:
You are interested in Embodiment, Somatics, or any practices that connect the mind, body, and spirit.
You are feeling disconnected, lost, or disembodied
You are seeking a deeper sense of connection
You are seeking ways to connect to your intuition
You are working through a specific life challenge and you desire to be held as you navigate the process
This container operates on a sliding scale. Please contact me for pricing.