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1:1 Space Holding

This is not life coaching. I am here to meet you in whatever you are experiencing in your life, and to help you connect to the wisdom of your body to find the answers within. We will work from the basis that you already have all the answers inside you.


My role is to guide you to trust your own intuition and to help you get in touch with the deep inner knowing of your body.

We have been taught to value the intelligence of the mind over the body. The mind is conditioned by the systems of our families, culture, and past experiences, and its knowledge and intellect is limited. Coming into the body is a state of returning to the present moment, which exists beyond our limitations, and opens us up to new potentials of connection and healing.


When we live from a place of embodiment, we are connected to a deeper sense of intuition and inner knowing. 


Your body remembers and records every event from your whole life and even back into your ancestral lineage. Through embodiment work we can clear any blockages and stuck experiences that are beyond the comprehension of the mind to come into a deeper state of connection. 

What happens in a session?

Our sessions will be part education, part support, and part practice.

I believe that lasting change requires that we have know how to embody the theory, and that the soil of our psyche is fertile ground for change to take place. We do this by removing shame and judgement, and creating more space for loving presence.

Sessions will include:

  • Education on somatics, embodiment, emotions, sensations, and the nervous system to help you gain a deeper understanding of the map of your body and it’s messages.

  • Somatic and embodiment practices to bring the theory into the body and begin to sense and feel what is alive within you.

  • Trauma-informed support to support you in your journey back to yourself


Sign up for a 3 month Plan

The 3 month container is a commitment to yourself. It is an opportunity to really dive deep into the work and begin to see results.


In the 3 month plan you will get weekly 1:1 trauma-informed sessions, access to educational resources, and support in creating a daily embodied practice. 

I am not here to help you achieve your goals.

I am here to meet you in your wholeness, exactly as you are.

My work is to help you remove the judgemental witness (shame) and connect with a loving presence within to create the fertile soil for positive change.

This is for you if:


  • You are interested in Embodiment, Somatics, or any practices that connect the mind, body, and spirit.

  • You are feeling disconnect, lost, or disembodied

  • You are seeking a deeper sense of connection

  • You are seeking ways to connect to your intuition

  • You are working through a specific life challenge and you desire to be held as you navigate the process

This container operates on a sliding scale from $250-$450 per month. Please contact me to set up payments,

This container has held me through a major life transition, providing an anchoring force and nurturing support community through chaos and change. Through the reflections of others, I've held a mirror to my own humanity and have been able to transmute my current obstacles with deep love and compassion. Rachael's somatic teachings have provided resourcing in my daily life, and her heartfelt leadership and presence has empowered me to shift perspectives in my life and business.

Kalyn, USA

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